HOLY *tut*! Skuls coming! AHHHH...! Lol.. 5 more days!!!! ==
Monday, December 29, 2008
Posted by jasmine lim at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
YAY! CHRISTMAS! Whee..! Best bestest holiday of the year! Hehe.. For those of you who are celebrating...........
^^ *
Hope you'll enjoy whatever you're doing.. *
Its only once in a year..
Enjoy it while ou can! *
=) * *
*Hugs and Kisses*
^^ *
Hope you'll enjoy whatever you're doing.. *
Its only once in a year..
Enjoy it while ou can! *
=) * *
*Hugs and Kisses*
* *
o** *
o** *
****0* *
***0***** *
***0***** *
***0************0**** *
***0************0**** *
***********o*********** *
Posted by jasmine lim at 5:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Sibu chapter 3
The last day of my Sibu trip...
On the way back to Kuching my dad had this idea on going to
his friends cattle farm..
This was the view in the car..

I was feedig 'em..
That black coloured one was hungry..
It almost bit my hand!
I tried to pulled away the the grass while it was in it's tongue but then..
Do you know how stong their tongue was?!
I almost fell while pulling it away from it..

I don't exactly know why but i like this block one..
My sis got this shot that i was trying to kiss it..
And no!
I'm not in love with a cattle..
Apparently this cattle was cute..
Im so........

Some of 'em looks so skinny..
But guess what..
Those cattle are only 2 months old..
And if you can see that cattle at the end there..
The brown one..
Its mouth is shorter then the rest..
Its really shy tho..
It wont wanna come to front..
Do you know how much PEE does a cow have?
I saw one peed and guess how long??
I think around 40 seconds..
Guess how much is that??
I think 4 coffee cups wont be enough..
And the poop..!!
Is as big as your HEAD!!!!
There's also a few calfs..
So cute..
I guess thats it about the cattle.
Then we went back to Kuching..
It tooks us 7 hours..
Not including the time we stoped..
Well.. I actually miss Sibu..
I'm not sure why too but...Haha..
I like the hotel I was staying in..
I guess thats it..
My Sibu trip..
P/s: 3 days left till CHRISTMAS!!! YAY!!

I was feedig 'em..
That black coloured one was hungry..
It almost bit my hand!
I tried to pulled away the the grass while it was in it's tongue but then..
Do you know how stong their tongue was?!
I almost fell while pulling it away from it..

I don't exactly know why but i like this block one..
My sis got this shot that i was trying to kiss it..
And no!
I'm not in love with a cattle..
Apparently this cattle was cute..
Im so........

Some of 'em looks so skinny..
But guess what..
Those cattle are only 2 months old..
And if you can see that cattle at the end there..
The brown one..
Its mouth is shorter then the rest..
Its really shy tho..
It wont wanna come to front..
Do you know how much PEE does a cow have?
I saw one peed and guess how long??
I think around 40 seconds..
Guess how much is that??
I think 4 coffee cups wont be enough..
And the poop..!!
Is as big as your HEAD!!!!
There's also a few calfs..
So cute..
I guess thats it about the cattle.
Then we went back to Kuching..
It tooks us 7 hours..
Not including the time we stoped..
Well.. I actually miss Sibu..
I'm not sure why too but...Haha..
I like the hotel I was staying in..
I guess thats it..
My Sibu trip..
P/s: 3 days left till CHRISTMAS!!! YAY!!
Posted by jasmine lim at 11:32 PM 1 comments
Sibu.. Chapter2
So I continued with chapter two..
15th dec was my cousins wedding..
You know..
They did the wedding thing in the morning..
and i had to wake up at 5.45am in the morning!
Felt so sleepy..
After the weddding thing and the church ended..
we went to the bridegroom place..
Then they phang teh..
Then we went back to the hotel to rest..
Then me and my sis went shopping and ate sushi for lunch
Yay us!!
Then we went back and i get to take my bubble bath!!
after i got ready..
I cam whored..
Vain me..
Posted by jasmine lim at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sibu..xD Chapter1
Last Saturday i went to Sibu with my parents and sis.
We stayed at this hotel called RH Hotel.
We went there for my cousins wedding on
15th Dec.
The journey took us 6 to 7 hours..
Not including any stops we made..
We arrive at the hotel at 7pm if I'm not mistaken..
We all went for dinner with my
aunt and her family.
Oh.. for got to mention that there's a shopping
mall just next to the hotel.
I heard that it was the the biggest mall there..
But I'm not so sure la.
Then the next day i went shopping with my sis and my mum..
Then we went back to the hotel and my sis and I went swimming..
After that we went for a steam bath together with my mum and my cousin.
Then we went for dinner at a seafood restaurant.
Then we went back to the hotel.
Oh yea.. and there's this Christmas competition thing going on.
They decorated Christmas trees!
That looks so Beautiful!
Here there are..

I like this one..

I like this too..
Cause the deco are kinda hiding somewhere..
But its nice..
Except for the silver thing and some other deco on it..
i like this one too..
Try to guess..
Creative right?
The bottles are filled with green-ish water.
There's a Santa ans a little penguin..
The penguin in behind Santa's hand.
The hand on my side..
My sis gave Santa a High-5!
But I don't think this one was in the competition..
Cause this the only one that was special..
Its big and not in the line where all the others are placed.
I like it..
Cause there's this two cute rain deers on 'em
Posted by jasmine lim at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Came over..*
Mag came over to my place yesterday.
Rachel couldn't make it..
So it was not as fun without her there..
So mag came and i made here a..
What do you call it?
Lo Hang Kho..?
This was how i prepared it for her
After drinking/eating..
We watched house bunny then..
I did her nails..
with my sis's nail art set..
here is how it looked like..

I design it myself..
Cant really see anything..
But when mag went home she realize that it all were ruin
except for 4 fingers..
My hard work..
So, after I did her nails
We took some picture..

Again.. I don't think you can see anything..
Or, still maybe you can..

Fairy wings and Fairy wand..
Wanna noe smtg?
That was mine when i was like er..
I know I'm old..

She's promoting my Christmas tree..
Thanks mag.
but when she opened
it it was empty.
There's Spongebob!

Spot me?

and we took a picture with an umbrella
I know im lame..
I know im lame..
We had an awesome time..
But it would be much more awesome if Rachel went..
Well.. I guess this update have more pics then words..
Actions speak more then words
We both did lots of stupid stuff as well
We did take some pics of it..
Its too stupid to be publish..
I guess that's it..
Posted by jasmine lim at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Random updates*
Got bored.. Did ntg this few days.
Ntg to blog about so I'm blogging about something stupid..
like... HEELS!!
Lol. Well it's not stupid.
But, yea.. i think you know what i mean.
Okay.. So heels. Umm..
Not much to talk about but just to make things more interesting..
I Love Heels!!*
I know.. I'm so full of myself...
But, I don't usually wear it unless i have to or suppose to cause
I'm not so comfortable with heels..
and yet i like them..
Well i went online and found some heels
that I think it looked great..


This heels are also so...
But, what a So-bimbofied-cake!

I kinda like this one..
Would you?
I would actually break my ankle

I kinda like this one..

This heels are also so...
Owh yeah.. Forgot to mention that I also found some of this Christmas stuff..
Owh yeah.. Forgot to mention that I also found some of this Christmas stuff..
looks so cozy..
One of my sis's friend bought her a gingerbread house set.
All she have to do is fix it up and apply deco and the best part is..
Its eatable!!
Well.. I'm getting kinda tired..
cause mag came to my house today
and we did stuff..
Posted by jasmine lim at 6:06 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Me and Rachel's B'day party*
So November 7th was my B'day and Rachel's on November 8th.
I know its over but i wanna blog about it.
Hehe. So we both each had a party.
Mine was on November 6.
I celebrated it earlier this year.
Rachel celebrated hers on 8th November.
Her party was great.
We get to go swimming at her uncles house.
I don't care but she must celebrate her B'day
again next year and its a must yea Rachel?
Lol. Okay okay..
so Mag and Yvonne went to her uncles house first,
then i arrive.
I was late cause i had to pick up her B'day present.
Then we all went online for a little while.
Then we all watched some DVDs.
Then Rachel became our guide and brought us all to
look around the house. The house was really big!
The toilets as big as my bedroom.
Okay then we all talked for awhile and we got ready for swimming.
hehe. The swimming pool was the best.
Big and well... Long?
so after one hour in the pool,
the sky got darker and it suddenly rained.
Haha. So we all ran out of the pool..
i mean swim out of the pool. It was cold.
Then we all went in and had a shower and we umm..
me.. i did smtg that was so hilarious.
Sorry but i cant mention what is it.
But Rachel and Mag you guys know what happened.
Lol. Btw someone was really phian thai.
Still i think you both know who was it.
Okay, then we watched a movie that i brought.
After that we ate our
dinner me and Rachel had this talked
that was so freakin' disturbing.
We both act while talking.
Mag and Yvonne laugh so loud.
Rachel's lil sis was there too.
She joined in and laugh as well.
Okay then Mag and Yvonne left so then its just
me, Rachel, her lil sis, her bro and her parents..
we got kinda bored so we talked
and talked then her lil sis said she wanna play a game.
Well i wanted to play with her cause she reminds
me of me last time when i was young. Lol. Then Rachel and I took a few pictures
AKA cam whoring...
here it is =)
That's me in black and Rachel in white
Okay, now.. for my B'day party. I had it at this restaurant called Sharing planet. The party was great. But then my mum had a bitch fit on one of the workers there.
i mean seriously.. he was rude.
Rachel, Mag and Yvonne came to my place and we watched spiderwhick chronicles.
Then I had to get ready for my party..
So, we played with make ups...
What to do?
We are Gurlz..
That's what Gurlz do..
Then off we went to my party..
After having dinner, we all took pictures...
Vain us.
my cheeks are so darn pink..
I over did it
I don't suppose you can see anything huh?
Oh wells..
Btw, my B'day theme was 'pretty in pink'
Thats why you can see that we're all wearing pink..
and so is my cake!
Okay.. so i think thats it for today....
Thanks for reading..
Posted by jasmine lim at 2:37 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Okay, so last Saturday i went for a movie with Mag, Yvonne, Melvin and one of his friend.
I've gotta admit that its kinda boring.
Not many of my friends can go cause of transportation problems
and some other problems.
So its just us. Okay, so we watched the movie Igor.
Its not that nice.
I dont like it.
But still dont take my word for it,
maybe some of you out there might like it.
Well the story's like this... wait..
btw if you dont wanna read what's the story about,
scroll down till you reach this part " ************* ".
Kay? ^^
Okay, so its about this town or is it a city
which count on evil to bring them forward.
So there's this competition that all
the evil scientist had to create an invention
which is evil enough to win the comp..
sorry but i forgot what was the prize,
I didn't really pay attention on the movie cause i was
busy talking with my friends.
Then, there's this scientist which had an Igor
which is really smart like smarter then the scientist himself.
Then by accident the Igor did smtg and the scientist disappeared.
i forgotten how too.. hehe.
Then the Igor tried to create an invention
and he did, he created this creepy looking monster.
Seriously its creepy.
She got so many damn stitches on her neck
and she had like one huge hand and one small one,
but the point is she looked abnormal
But as you know an evil invention had to be evil
but surprisingly this monster was a good and kind one.
But the Igor wanted it to be bad so he tried
to make her evil. But then when he brought her
to this place to hypnotize her to be
evil it made her wanna be an actress cause
of the stupid robot that changed the channel from
Horror movies to one tv show that's about actress stuff.
There's this another evil scientist which
was in the competition who wanted
to still that Igor's monster cause it
was a really really really big monster
that looks really creepy but yet a kind-hearted monster.
So after making a few plans that
evil scientist managed to kid naped that monster.
Oh yea, i've forgotten to mention
that the Igor fell in love with the monster.
Lol. Okay then some how i forgotten how that
evil scientist hypnotized that monster to be bad and
it totally worked the monster was furious,
mean, mad and bad! Then they went to the
competition and all the evil invention all fought
and after that the monster was the best, but then
the Igor came along and tried to stop her
from collapsing the building by telling
her stuff thats so sweet like
'I love you and please dont do this'
sort of things, you know like all the other movies...
Then the sky went bright cause all the
time it was dark and all then people realized
that they were fooled by the mayor
that evil was the thing that can bring them forward
and clear the darkness in the sky.
But then it was only a weather change that can be changed back...
Well, i think thats what i understand,
but maybe I'm
wrong cause i dont really remember.
Then the Igor and the monster lived happily ever after...
Watch the movie if you think its interesting cause i did not put all the info in.
Okay so after the movie, Melvin went for lunch with his friend.
So, Mag, Yvonne and I went for bowling...
Lots fun but expensive much
Well my friends and I play like 2 rounds?
Sadly i did not get no strike and so did my friends.
while playing Melvin came and he played bowling too..
his friend didn't play,
i didn't know why.
then after that we all went to Sugarbun and eat
and i meet one of my friend there.
then we left and went to this place where sells
Barbie dolls.
I know I know..
Now you're like thinking Barbie dolls???!!
well, yes Barbie dolls.
We're never to old to play with dolls,
well maybe.. but still..
so my friend and I looked at the Barbie dolls.
Gotta admit i still like it.
I use to bought tons when i was young.
i usually got it as my birthday presents from my parents and cousins.
Whenever i saw Barbie dolls my mum had
no choice but to buy it for me cause if not ill cry like hell.
Then Yvonne had to go back home so we brought her to the main entrances.
After that Mag and I went to look at shoes.
then Mag brought me to her house and we baked muffins!!
It was nice,
well nicer then i've expected.
then i went home and felt so tired.
well i guess thats it.
Btw i might not be able to update my blog this few days cause in kinda busy.
Posted by jasmine lim at 11:27 PM 0 comments
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