Holidays' are finally here..
going K.L tomorrow..
Second week would be kinda boring...
Owh wells...
Will blog about my trip..
Quick update..
Friday, May 29, 2009
Posted by jasmine lim at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Posted by jasmine lim at 8:36 AM 0 comments
Posted by jasmine lim at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
American Idol 09**

Posted by jasmine lim at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tagged by Jess..
Had to answer these questions..
Brother(s): 1
Eye Color: dark brown.. i mean really really dark brown..
Shoe size: er.. 36? not sure
Hair: kinda black.. but under sunlight kinda brown..
Piercings: ears
What are you wearing right now? T-Shirt and Pants?
Where do you live? Kuching.
Favorite number: No. 1
Favorite drink: fresh chrysanthenum.. yumm...
Favorite month: November.. cause its my birthdate.. =)
Favorite breakfast: American breakfast.. hehe
***********Have You Ever***********
Broken a bone: err... ?? dun think so..
Been in a police car: nope.. dun think so.. XD
Been on a plane: yea.. quite alot of time this year.. hahaha
Been in a hot tub: duh..~
Swam in the ocean: yupe..
Fallen asleep in school: during history.. mayb..
Broken someone’s heart: i guess.. tee hee
Cried when someone died?: yea.. who wont?
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: yea.. when i hav ntg else better to do..
Saved e-mails: Sometimes..
Been cheated on: err.. dun get this question.. hehe
***********What is************
Your room like? a comfortable room.. cozzy.. for me to sleep?? smtg lidad
What is right beside you? my sis.. pillow.. cupboard.. table.. perfume.. nail pollish.. bags.. hahaha
What is the last thing you ate? tau fu, rice, black bean sup, orange juice.. hehe
———————-Ever Had-————————-
Chicken pox: when i was 2 or 3 years old..
Sore throat: few times..
Broken nose:No
————————-Do You————————–
Believe in love at first sight? sometimes.. =)
Like picnics: depends on which location...
Did you last yell at? my sis cause she accidently drank my orange juice..
Was the last person you danced with? er.. hmm.. umm.. i forgot.. lol
Who last made you smile? i smile almost everyday.. but usually my friends.. they make me laugh
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? nope.. try to wear ever.. but a short period of time only..
———-Final Questions————-
What are you listening to right now? Tv..
What did you do today? woke up went to school.. ate breakfast lunch and dinner.. and now online.. =)
Are you the oldest?Youngest!
Indoors or out doors? indoors..
——————Today did you———————-
1. Talk to someone you like? yupe...... =)
2. Kiss anyone? NO.
3. Get sick? nope.. haha
4. Sing? in the shower or when i get bored and had a song stuck in my head.. yea
6. Miss someone: kinda
7. Eat:Yes.
—————-Last person who——————
8. You talked to on the phone? yea i did..
9. Made you cry? MY DAMN RASULTS!
10. Went to the movies with? close friends... =)
11. You went to the mall with? didnt go to shoppping recently..
——————Have you——————-
19. Been to Mexico?Nope..
20. been to USA? nope.. hopefully in the future.. XD
22. What books are you reading right now? math.. doing homework..
23. Best feeling in the world? when i get what i want when i want..
24. Future kids names? er.......... i dunno know... still so darn long..==
25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? a few on my bed.. a bear.. a pig.. and another pig.. a cow.. and another cow.. er.. and a few more..
26. What’s under your bed? story books.. dust...?
27. Favorite sport(s) to watch? swimming.. badminton.. wipe out!
28. Favorite place? sunset beach..
32. Who do you really hate? people who hav ntg else better to do that goes to my blog and bullshit.
33. Do you have a job? nope..
37. What time is it now? 11.27 p.m.
Posted by jasmine lim at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Keeve Bday**
After dinner we talked and played while..
Basically I fell.. On Keeve's lap..
My big head covered Keeve's face..
Party ended like about 9.30 p.m.
Went home around 9.45 p.m.
Exhausted when I arrived home..
Took my bath and straight away went to bed..
Whole day went out.. Morning went to school for teachers day.. Afternoon went to Mag's house.. Night went to Keeve's Bday party..
But had a great day tho..
Gonna upload Teacher's Day celeb soon.. ^^
I think I'm done for now..
Till next time..
Posted by jasmine lim at 5:13 AM 3 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Happy Teacher's Day!
Posted by jasmine lim at 4:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Posted by jasmine lim at 6:01 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Posted by jasmine lim at 8:07 AM 1 comments

NO shitting/peeing..

Left.. right..


Missing dog..

Can't wait,
Posted by jasmine lim at 6:52 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Keeve's turning 14 soon!!
To : Keeve
Happy 14th Birthday..!!
All the best for fulfilling your dreams..
From : your, kind
polite COUSIN!!
So full of myself..
Celebrating his birthday at Bla Bla Bla..
Cant wait..
Will take pictures and upload it here..
Just a quick update..
Posted by jasmine lim at 4:53 AM 1 comments

Exam's gonna be over in just 2 more days!
Gonna be online most of the time..
Just found out smtg tho..
That i really hate alot..
You'll find out sooner or later..
Didn't slept well for the pass few days..
Had to sleep late..
Wake up early..
Finnaly i get some rest..
Done for now..
Gonna update as soon as my exam's over..
Posted by jasmine lim at 4:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Posted by jasmine lim at 5:51 AM 2 comments